If you are a blog writer then you must be familiar with WordPress and Blogger as these are the two platforms where you can publish and promote your work. As a new blogger, the toughest task is to decide a good blogging platform, though there are number of platforms apart from these two, but when we talk about creating a blog for professional purpose, WordPress is the excellent choice. There are various things which you can easily do with a self-hosted WordPress blog as compared to other blogging platforms.
WordPress and Blogger both offer free blogging which is a good way to start for a newbie, but it is certainly not the best as there are some limitations to it. There are a huge number of people who have migrated from Blogger to WordPress as Blogger is good for the new bloggers but for a long run it becomes compulsory to select a self- hosted blog.
Here is a list of reasons why people prefer to move WordPress from Blogger:
Search Engine Optimization:
It does not matter that where your blog is hosted, the first and last thing a blogger look for is traffic. Search Engine Optimization means optimizing your blog for getting more traffic from search engines. As compared to Blogger, WordPress offers more options to optimize the blog for search engine and in Blogger, it is limited to certain settings.
Control Over your Blog:
This is one of the most important reasons that people migrate from Blogger to WordPress. The former is owned by Google and there are chances when Google can delete your Blogger account without even informing you, even by using custom domain system, there are also high chances that the spammers can use the flag feature and can report your blog as spam, in such type of case Google will delete your blog. This is something very common on Google and by doing a quick search you will realize that many bloggers face this problem while using Blogger.
Technical Support:
WordPress has some great features such as Plugin and also a great community to get support. At Blogger, you have to spend a lot of time in editing theme to show related updates and other such features, whereas WordPress has made our lives easy by providing simple features such as, simple plugins for everything you require and this platform also provides support forum.
Thus, if you are a blogger then you can also migrate from Blogger to WordPress to get above mentioned benefits. If you are not tech savvy, then you can use Blogger to WordPress migration service providers as well.
Happy Blogging!
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