Getting ready for the holiday season with your contents, but what about the SEO? The holiday season offers three main events for bloggers/online business owners and those are Christmas, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday. In order to be able to do good with your holiday content, you will need to have a special SEO tips for the holiday season. Take a look at these tips that we have come up with to give you a headstart.
Start 45 Days Early
You need to start at least 45 days before the holiday season hits you full in the face. There is no need to start working on your content six months before events of the season. 45 days has time and again proven to be enough, that is, if you are consistent. We encourage our readers to divide the time into three phrases: 45 days, 7 days and 1 day in advance. You can post content in the first phrase, begin social media promotions and email campaigns 7 days in advances and post reminders a day before the events.
Set Up a New Category/Landing Page
Setting up a different category for holiday shopping or a landing page is a good idea. You can add these on the menu bar so that people visiting the site are able to see and access it immediately. There a number of ways to set up pages. You can experiment, use trial and error method to find out what your readers like the best. We recommend that you include plans for listicles like ‘Top 10 XYZ’ because they tend to attract readers very easily.
Create Social Media Buzz
Don’t ignore the social media because they are pretty active around the holiday and festive seasons. Post the contents to build hype as well as to create social signals that have SEO benefits. Create campaigns and promote your post to draw in the reader to your site. The ‘Top 10’ format that we mentioned earlier is exactly the kind of posts that go viral on the social media.
Re-Use Content
If you wrote a holiday post last years, don’t hesitate to use it for this year. We recommend you mention the year in which the post is made. In case the previous post has the year mentioned in the URL you can redirect the URL to this year’s URL. Google loves updated posts so it might help you rank in the search engine.
Check Out for New Trends
Whether you are updating the post or writing a new post, offer something new, something trendy. It’ll keep your audiences interested in coming back. And it’ll also prove that your website is valuable. This is how you build a loyal fanbase.
Optimize for Faster Loading
One of the biggest cause of loss for a website is its loading speed. Images effect loading speed of a website more than anything. Compress them before uploading and after. Use free websites for getting those pictures compressed and then use plugins to compress media on your site once a week. There are a few other things that you can do to make your site load faster. Follow any of the numerous tutorial available online for guidance.
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