Creating a brand new site for your small business? We recommend you take it seriously and tread carefully because it might just help you make or break your business. So we have come up with a post where we are listing down the most important tips that you’ll need to follow or keep in mind while creating that website for your small business.
Own a Domain Name
Get yourself a domain name and a hosting plan otherwise you will always have a WordPress or Blogspot attached to your URL. That is very unprofessional and uncalled for. The best thing to do will be to create a domain name that reflects your business name or at least an idea for your business. You can build a brand around the name that you pick. So it should be alright even if you pick a name that’s different to your business name.
Aim for Only One Website
Go for creating just one website because as a small business you are unlikely to have a lot many employees to take care of that websites. It’s better to focus on just one so that when people try to look up for your business, they are not confused as to the official site. This will help strengthen your brand and help to reach to the right audience or help the right audience reach you.
Think of Your Customers and Customers Only
When you are designing your website, think only about the customers and the customers alone. So that means that you will have to gain some knowledge about the sort of customers you are hoping to attract. An extensive reflection along with the creation of a proper plan will help you set along the path for making a website with the intention of serving your customers. The customer’s needs are primary, and the need for your businesses are secondary.
Make it Mobile-Friendly
Half of the internet users in the world is on the handset, and therefore one should take the realm seriously. Page loading speed in an important ranking factor in Google and if you site loads well on mobile handsets then it’s likely that your posts will appear on the top of searches made on mobile phones. Tell your web designer that you want your website to be mobile-friendly or you can get a mobile-friendly theme, or you can use AMP plugin to make your site mobile friendly.
Make the Site Navigable
Create a site where the most important things are put within reach. This means you will have to be very careful in creating the layout of the site. Of course, your main aim will be to cater the readers and capture them as soon as they enter. Don’t make it too difficult to get what they want. Make the website navigable so that the visitors don’t get frustrated and find what they are looking for.
Hire a Good Content Writer
Nothing beats original content. The only way you are ever going to rise online is by creating incredibly unique, details content written beautifully in a universal language. Depending on the business you have, get yourself a good full-time or part-time writer and pay him/her well.
Well, that’s a wrap on our 6 tips to building a small business website. Let us in your thoughts!
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