There is competition everywhere in today’s world. The increasing problem of unemployment is making the young generation even more depressed. Nowadays when everyone is fighting hard for their career ahead, some of them are searching for something new. A new idea, or a job with some new concepts, something new that others are not started doing yet.
These people are searching for something that is not too mainstream. And website content writing jobs are a great option for them. It’s a dream job for the freelancers. Whether a part-timer or a full-timer, content writing jobs offer some economic stability so that you can keep chasing your dreams too.
About Website Content Writing
Website content writing is all about writing relevant contents for different websites. Websites have their specific target audiences, and they always need the relevant contents to attract the audience and help the business to grow.
Content writing is all about keeping in mind that contents contain keywords. Keywords are a very important thing for the content. Keywords help to increase the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking of the website. Content writing is mostly centered on product or service marketing.
However, some websites are meant to share information. These websites do not sell any products. There are also websites that share new cards and blogs too.
Different Types of Content Writing Services
There are many different kinds of content writing services. Some of the websites sell products or dedicated towards marketing of a service or business. Some of them share blogs on different topics. These websites don’t sell any products.
There are product review websites. There are websites that share news cards and different kind of information too. Even some colleges and universities have developed their website development teams to manage their official websites too.
Types of Content Writing
Brand Journalism
This kind of writings has got a journalistic writing style, and pattern. These are best fitted for news articles. When you need to write articles over a brand or topic that you have seen in a newspaper or magazine, you need this type of content writing.
This kind of writings can explore and define the topic from different angles. The most important part of these kinds of contents is headlines. In today’s world, people don’t have much time in hand. Thus, online journalism in most of the cases lives or dies on the luck-thrush basis. Thus, the headlines have to be catchy to attract readers.
General Writing
General writing is a whole new ballgame compared to the other forms of writing. From the high-volume content or blogs to the short awareness level contents, general writing includes all of these.
The SEO copywriting, which is more of a level up gradation of the general writings are even more exciting. The main thing about it is keywords. That helps with the better ranking of your webpage in the search engines.
Digital Writing
Modern webpages demand this kind of writings the most. Nowadays, webpages are not like just another printed ad or billboard anymore. These pages have interactive and user-friendly websites. It may contain a lot of pages, buttons and more to help the visitor achieve their goals. The Digital/UX writings include all of these things to make the website top notch.
Special writing for selected subjects: Special writing for selected subjects is one of the hardest kinds of content writing. One needs to have deep knowledge about your webpage, website, company or products. These types of writing can provide detailed information about the focused product to the readers. That’s why this kind of content writing is even harder than the rests.
Social Media Writing
The social media writings are writeups that are published in social media platforms for product advertisement or sharing news. These are the social media contents that appear in your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter feeds. This type of writing has to be fluently written and should contain catchy headlines to be published in different social networking sites.
Difference Between Content Writing & SEO Content Writing?
SEO content writing: SEO content writing is meant to improve your website’s ranking on the search engines. SEO copywriting mainly integrate the keywords to make your website’s ranking better. SEO (search engine optimization) content writers mainly focuses on four things. Better ranking in the search engines, Conversion, Quality, and relevance. They help you to reduce the bounce rate of your website.
Content writing: Content writing is more of researching than writing really. The content writers will provide you with some well-written contents. They provide you with the original and error-free professional writings. These writings are mainly product-based. These are best suited for the informative contents.
There are some differences between these two types of content writings. Although, both of the writers of these two types can easily do each other’s job as SEO writing and content writing are similar in a lot of ways. They still have some differences.
How’s the Scene?
Well, content writing as a profession in a country like India has surprisingly become one of the most lucrative careers. There are a lot of opportunities in this field. As the vast number of English-speaking people in our country, most of America and European countries are outsourced to our country. So you can easily find professional content writing services in India.
Someone who is interested in making content writing as their career can choose one of the above-mentioned sectors and work on it. General writing and SEO copywriting are the most common and easy sections for freshers.
But you can also try and become a specialist in your field of interest too. Content writers are earning quite good nowadays with the increasing demand in the field every day. The best part about doing a content writing job, you can keep chasing your other dreams as there is not much pressure in this job.
The field of content writing is the ideal place to start for a teenager. Not only that, the job is suited for people of all age. You know how to work on the computer and the writing part and BAM! You are on board. Give it a try.
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